Raku By Example
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my @a=<A G C T>;
my $x=@a;
for 1 ... * -> $a {  (( [X~] $x xx $a )).join(',').say;last if $a==4;   };

## digit sum

sub digits( $_1, $_2 ) {
    return $_1, $_2, { ($^a ~ $^b) % 9 }  ...  *;

for 1..5 X 1..5 -> @_ {
    say digits( | @_ )[^10];

## 向下计数

for 10 ... 0 {

## 斐波那契数列

sub fib {
    my @fib = 1, 1, *+*, ... *;
    say @fib[^20];

sub MAIN($name) {
    say "hello" ~ $name;

## 无限序列

loop {
    say 'SPAM';

# In addition, there are various ways of writing lazy, infinite lists in Perl 6: 
print "SPAM\n" xx *;      # repetition operator
print "SPAM\n", ~* ... *; # sequence operator
map {say "SPAM"}, ^Inf;   # upto operator

## generate range

.say for (-270, -255 ... 0, 2 , 4 ... 10).rotor( 2 => -1);

## 100 扇门
# 问题: 你有 100 扇关着的门排成一排, 然后你穿过这些门 100 次。第一次穿过的时候,穿越每一扇门, 如果门是开着的就关闭它, 如果门是关着的就打开它。第二次穿越的时候,每两扇门穿越一下,(第 2、4、6扇门);第三次穿越的时候, 每 3 扇门(第 3、6、9),等等, 直到你穿过第 100 扇门为止。
# 问: 最后一次穿过门之后, 每扇门的状态是开是关?
# 提示: 剩下开着的门就是那些能开方的整数the only doors that remain open are whose numbers are perfect squares of integers
my @doors = False xx 101;
($_ = !$_ for @doors[0, * + $_ ...^ * > 100]) for 1..100;
say "Door $_ is ", <closed open>[ @doors[$_] ] for 1..100;

say "Door $_ is open" for map {$^n ** 2}, 1..10;
say "Door $_ is open" for 1..10 X** 2;
say "Door $_ is ", <closed open>[.sqrt == .sqrt.floor] for 1..100;