my $name = "twostraws";
given $name {
when "bilbo" { say "Hello, Bilbo Baggins!"}
when "twostraws" { say "Hello, Paul Hudson!" }
default { say "身份验证失败" }
my $name = "twostraws";
my $password = "fr0st1es";
given ($name, $password) {
when ("bilbo", "bagg1n5") { say "Hello, Bilbo Baggins!" }
when ("twostraws", "fr0st1es") { say "Hello, Paul Hudson!" }
default { say "你是谁?" }
my $authentication = ("twostraws", "fr0st1es");
given $authentication {
when ("bilbo", "bagg1n5") { say "Hello, Bilbo Baggins!" }
when ("twostraws", "fr0st1es") { say "Hello, Paul Hudson!" }
default { say "你是谁?" }
my $authentication = ("twostraws", "fr0st1es", "");
given $authentication {
when ("bilbo", "bagg1n5", *) { say "Hello, Bilbo Baggins!"}
when ("twostraws", "fr0st1es", $) { say "Hello, Paul Hudson!" }
default { say "Who are you?" }
my $authentication = ("twostraws", "fr0st1es");
given $authentication {
when ("bilbo", *) { say "Hello, Bilbo Baggins!" }
when ("twostraws", *) { say "Hello, Paul Hudson: your password was $_!" }
default { say "Who are you?" }
sub fizzbuzz(Int $number) returns Str {
given ($number % 3 == 0, $number % 5 == 0) {
when (True, False) { return "Fizz" }
when (False, True) { return "Buzz" }
when (True, True) { return "FizzBuzz" }
when (False, False) { return $number.Str}
say fizzbuzz(15);
my $twostraws = ("twostraws", "fr0st1es");
my $bilbo = ("bilbo", "bagg1n5");
my $taylor = ("taylor", "fr0st1es");
my @users = $twostraws, $bilbo, $taylor;
for @users -> $user {
say $user[0];
my $twostraws = ("twostraws", "fr0st1es");
my $bilbo = ("bilbo", "bagg1n5");
my $taylor = ("taylor", "fr0st1es");
my @users = $twostraws, $bilbo, $taylor;
say "User twostraws has the password fr0st1es" when ("twostraws", "fr0st1es") for @users;
say "User $_[0] has password \"fr0st1es\"" when (*, "fr0st1es") for @users;
my $age = 36;
given $age {
when 0 ..^ 18 { say "你有活力有时间,但是没钱" }
when 18 ..^ 70 { say "你有活力有钱,但是没时间" }
default { say "你有时间和金钱,但是没活力"}
my $age = 36;
when $age ~~ 0 ..^ 18 { say "你有活力有时间,但是没钱" }
when $age ~~ 18 ..^ 70 { say "你有活力有钱,但是没时间" }
default { say "你有时间和金钱,但是没活力"}
my $age = 36;
when (0 ..^ 18).contains($age) { say "你有活力有时间,但是没钱" }
when (18 ..^ 70).contains($age) { say "你有活力有钱,但是没时间" }
default { say "你有时间和金钱,但是没活力"}
my $user = ("twostraws", "fr0st1es", 36);
given $user {
my $name = $user[0];
when ($name, *, 0 ..^ 18) { say "$name 有活力有时间,但是没钱" }
when ($name, *, 18 ..^ 70) { say "$name 有活力有钱,但是没时间" }
when ($name, *, *) { say "$name 有时间和金钱,但是没活力" }
enum WeatherType <Cloudy Sunny Windy>;
my $today = WeatherType::Cloudy;
given $today {
when WeatherType::Cloudy { say "多云" }
when WeatherType::Sunny { say "晴天" }
when WeatherType::Windy { say "有风" }
if $today ~~ WeatherType::Cloudy { say "多云" }
enum WeatherType (
Cloudy => 100,
Sunny => 50,
Windy => 30
my $today = WeatherType::Windy;
given $today {
when WeatherType::Cloudy { say 20*Cloudy }
when WeatherType::Sunny { say 10*Sunny }
when WeatherType::Windy { say 12*Windy }
my @numbers = 1..10;
.say when $_ % 2 == 1 for @numbers;
my @celebrities = "Michael Jackson", "Taylor Swift", "MichaelCaine", "Adele Adkins", "Michael Jordan";
.say when /^Michael/ for @celebrities;
.say when $_.chars > 12 for @celebrities;
.say when /^Michael/ and $_.chars >12 for @celebrities;
sub describe($x) {
given $x {
when 5 { "five" }
when "hello" { "hi!" }
when Nil { "Empty " }
default { "something else" }
say describe(5);
say describe(Nil);
say describe([1,2,3]);
sub variable_pattern($x) {
given $x {
when /Perl6/ { "Camelia" }
when * { "Star " ~ "$_" }
default {"something else"}
say variable_pattern("YoungForPerl6");
say variable_pattern("Star More");
say variable_pattern("Horse");
sub generalSize($x) {
given $x {
when Str { .chars }
when Map { .elems }
default { -1 }
say generalSize("abc");
say generalSize('a', 1, 'b', 2));
say generalSize(pi);
sub patternGuard($x) {
given $x {
when Int && ($_ > 0) { "positive" }
when Int && ($_ < 0) { "negative" }
default {"something else"}
say patternGuard(2);
say patternGuard(-2);
say patternGuard("ha");
sub multiple_alternatives($x) {
given $x {
when '0' | '0x' | '0X' { 'multiple_alternatives' }
default {'something else'}
say multiple_alternatives('0x');
say multiple_alternatives('ascii');
say multiple_alternatives('0X');
say multiple_alternatives('0');
my $ch = 23;
given $ch {
when Int and * > 10 { say 65}
when '+' { 1 }
when '-' { -1 }
default { 0 }
sub variables_patterns($x) {
given $x {
when '+' { 1 }
when '-' { -1 }
when * { $_ }
default {say 'something else'}
say variables_patterns('+');
say variables_patterns([1,2,3]);
say variables_patterns('variables_patterns');
multi washing_machine(Int \x where * > 10 ) { 65 }
multi washing_machine(Str \x where '+' ) { 1 }
multi washing_machine(Str \x where '-' ) { -1 }
multi washing_machine(\x) { 0 }
say washing_machine(12);
say washing_machine(-12);
say washing_machine('+');
say washing_machine('-');
say washing_machine('2333');
say washing_machine('洗衣机');
class Address {
has $.street;
has $.city;
has $.country;
class Person {
has $.name;
has $.age;
has $.address;
my $alice =
:street("1 Scala Lane"),
my $bob =
:street("2 Java Ave."),
my $charlie =
:street("3 Python Ct."),
for ($alice, $bob, $charlie) {
when"Alice"),:age(25), :address( {
say "Hi Alice!";
when * eqv
:street("2 Java Ave."),
say "Hi Bob!"
when Person {
say "Who are you, {.age} year-old person named {.name}?";
for (1, 2, 2.7, "one", "two", "four") {
say "int 1" when 1;
say "other int $_" when Int | Numeric;
say "string one" when "one";
say "other string $_" when Str;
default { say "unexpected" }
class Body { has ( $.head, @.arms, @.legs ) }
class Person { has ( $.mom, $.body, $.age ) }
my $age = 42;
multi person's-age-and-legs ( Person ( :$age where * > 40, :$body ( :@legs, *% ), *% ) ) { say "$age {+@legs}" }
person's-age-and-legs$age,body =>,:2arms,legs => <left middle right>));
my @langs = (
("Scala", "Martin", "Odersky"),
("Clojure", "Rich", "Hickey"),
("Lisp", "John", "McCarthy")
for @langs -> $l {
given $l {
when ("Scala", $, $) { say "Found Scala" };
when ($, "John", $) { say "Found John" };
for 1...4 -> $i {
given $i {
when $ { say "even: $i" if $i % 2 ==0}
for <5 42 43 101 666 1024 2048> -> $value {
given $value {
when 0..9 { say "$_: One digit"}
when 10..99 { say "$_: Two digits" ; proceed; }
when 42 { say "$_: Response to the question" }
when /^\d**3$/ { say "$_: Three digits" }
default { say "$_: More than three digits" }
say '';
my $ch = '-';
my $sign = do given $ch {
when '+' {1}
when '-' {-1}
default {0}
say $sign;
my $prefix = '0x';
my $re = do given $prefix {
when '0' | '0x' | '0X' { 'OK' }
when '0b' | 'xb' | 'xxb' { 'Fine' }
default {'opps'}
say $re;
my $num = 42.8;
my $r = do given $num {
when Int {"Int"}
when Num {"Num"}
when Rat {"Rat"}
default {"opps"}
say $r;
my $str = "hello-camelia-rakudo-star";
my $res = do given $str {
when .chars > 10 { "a long string" }
when .split('-').elems > 3 {"more than three elements"}
when .contanis('star') {"blink"}
default {"opps"}
say $res;
for (1..10).grep: * % 2 == 0 -> $i {say $i}
for (1..10).grep: {3 < $_ < 6 && $_ % 2 == 0} -> $i { say $i}
my \names = ["chris", "ed", "maurice"];
my @capNames = gather .uc.take for names;
class Person {
has $.first;
has $.last;
class Dog {
has $.name;
sub eat($x --> Str) {
given $x {
when 0 {'zero'}
when 'hello' {'you said "hello"'}
when List(0, *, *) {"a three-element list with 0 as the first element"}
when List(1, @) {"a list beginning with 1, having any number of elements"}
when (*,*) {"got $^a and $^b"}
when (*, *, *) {"got $^a, $^b, and $^c"}
when Person(first=>'Alexander', last => 'Larry') {"found an Alexander"}
when Dog(name => 'Suka') {"found a dog named Suka"}
when Str {"you gave me this string: $_"}
when Int {"thanks for the int: $_"}
when Num {"thanks for the Num: $_"}
when Array {"an array of int"}
when Dog {"a dog"}
when List {"a list"}
default {"Unknown"}