# 生成 A1a, B1b...A2a...E2e 这样的字符串 my @prefixes = 'A'..'E'; # 前缀 my @roots = 1, 2; # 根 my @postfixes = 'a'..'e'; # 后缀 say @roots.map: |(@prefixes »~» * «~« @postfixes); # Output: (A1a B1b C1c D1d E1e A2a B2b C2c D2d E2e) # hyper with sub sub add($x) { # sleep 3; $x ** 2 + 1; } # hyper 运算符现在还未实现并行, 该程序 sleep 了 9 秒 my @array = 1, 3, 5; .say for @array».&add; # race for (1..4).race( batch => 1 ) { say "Doing $_"; sleep 1; } say "Code took {now - INIT now} seconds to run";