Raku By Example
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## Sigils ($, @, %, &)

# Scalar ($)
my $name = 'Bob';
my Int $age = 12; # You can specify a type for the variable container

# Positional (@)
my @animals = 'Cow', 'Pig', 'Horse', 'Duck';
say @animals[0];

# Associative (%)
my %planet-mass = Earth => 1, Mars => 0.107, Jupiter => 318;
%planet-mass = :Earth(1), :Mars(0.107), :Jupiter(318); # Same but using colon pairs

# Callable (&)
my &say-hello = sub { say "hello!" };

# Sigil-less
my \secs = 60;
say "There are ", secs, " seconds in a minute.";

# You can also have constants!
constant $earth-to-sun = 92960000;

# Two at once? No problem!
my ($a, $b);              # multiple declaration
($a, $b) = (1, 2);        # multiple initialization/update
my ($adj, $opp) = (3, 4); # multiple declaration and initialization

# Twigils influence the scoping of a variable (!, *, ., :, <, =, ?, ^, ~)
my $*dynamic = 1; # Dynamic-scoped variables
say $?FILE;       # Outputs what file this is in

# Declarators (my, our, has, anon, state, augment, supersede, let, temp)
my  $x = 1;     # Lexically-scope name
our $y = 1;     # Package-scoped name (for packages)
has $a = 1;     # Attribute name (for classes)