my %hash =
two => 2,
three => 3,
one => 1,
for %hash.sort(*.key)>>.kv -> ($key, $value) {
say "'$key' => '$value'";
my %hash =
two => 2,
three => 3,
one => 1,
for %hash.sort -> (:$key, :$value) {
say "'$key' => '$value'";
say "-" x 15;
for %hash.sort -> $pair (:$key, :$value) {
say $pair;
say $key === $pair.key and $value === $pair.value;
say "-" x 15;
for %hash.sort -> (:key($k), :value($v)) {
say "'$k' => '$v'";
my %hash = 'Perl'=>80,
for %hash.sort({-.value}).hash.keys -> $key {
say $key, "\t", %hash{"$key"}
-- example.txt
eline A-
Zsófia B+
João F
Maryam B+
秀英 B-
Finn D+
Aarav A
Emma F
Omar B
my %grade = "example.txt" {
m:s/^(\w+) (<[A..F]><[+-]>?)$/
or die "Can't parse line '$_'";
~$0 => ~$1;
say %grade;
say "Zsófia's grade: %grade<Zsófia>";
say "List of students with a failing grade:";
say " " ~%grade.grep(*.value ge 'F')».key.join(" ");
say "Distribution of grades by letter:";
say " {.key}: {+.value} student{"s" if .value != 1}"
for %grade.classify(*.value.comb[0]).sort(*.key);
## sort by object attaribute
# Sort an array of composite structures by a key. For example, if you define a composite structure that presents a name-value pair (in pseudocode):
# Define structure pair such that:
# name as a string
# value as a string
# and an array of such pairs:
# x: array of pairs
# then define a sort routine that sorts the array x by the key name.
# This task can always be accomplished with Sorting Using a Custom Comparator.
my class Employee {
has Str $.name;
has Rat $.wage;
my $boss = name => "Frank Myers" , wage => 6755.85 );
my $driver = name => "Aaron Fast" , wage => 2530.40 );
my $worker = name => "John Dude" , wage => 2200.00 );
my $salesman = name => "Frank Mileeater" , wage => 4590.12 );
my @team = $boss, $driver, $worker, $salesman;
my @orderedByName = @team.sort( *.name )».name;
my @orderedByWage = @team.sort( *.wage )».name;
say "Team ordered by name (ascending order):";
say @orderedByName.join(" ");
say "Team ordered by wage (ascending order):";
say @orderedByWage.join(" ");
# this produces the following output:
# Team ordered by name (ascending order):
# Aaron Fast Frank Mileeater Frank Myers John Dude
# Team ordered by wage (ascending order):
# John Dude Aaron Fast Frank Mileeater Frank Myers
# Note that when the sort receives a unary function, it automatically generates an appropriate comparison function based on the type of the data.
say "--" x 23;
say @team.sort({.wage} )».name;
.name.say for @team.sort: {.wage} # ».name;
## sort object
class Student {
has Str $.name;
has Int $.grade is rw;
my $stu1 = => "zhangwuji", grade => 124);
my $stu2 = => "yangguo", grade => 128);
my $stu3 = => "zhaomin", grade => 145);
my $stu4 = => "sunyizhe", grade => 145);
my $stu5 = => "zhouziruo", grade => 128);
my $stu6 = => "qiaofeng", grade => 124);
my @students = $stu1, $stu2,$stu3,$stu4,$stu5,$stu6;
# classify
# classify 返回一个散列
for @students.classify( *.grade ).sort -> $group {
say "These students got grade $group.key():";
say .name for $group.value.list;
# sort
my @c = @students.sort: -> $a, $b {$a.grade <=> $b.grade};
say @c.perl;
## sort by nature
use Sort::Naturally;
my @a = $=finish.lines;
.say for @a.sort: { .&naturally };